
look like me but admit that they may be too close to me to see me any other way. There is no argument as to the way I wear clothes, walk and handle myself—but I am a big girl if I go out (5′11′′ and 180 pounds although the latter disguises well and my figure is good if not perfect). At this stage they say I will always be their husband and son. I tell them 98 percent of the time I wouldn't have it any other



I have spilled the beans to another woman whom I know I can trust. A few years younger than I, Judy is a social worker with whom I have worked for several years. We are good friends; very platonic friends. She has discussed some of her cases with me to get my opinion and we have talked about some of her minor personal problems. I decided it was time she heard about one of mine. At that time she was working with a transexual and very sensitively guiding him through the sex-change process along with his psychiatrist. She has unusual empathy with people of all kinds. During a discussion of this case I asked her if she knew the difference between transexuals and TVs. She did and in fact knew quite a bit about TVs and seemed interested in them. I told her I was one and she was fascinated, to say the least, never suspecting it. She became more enthusiastic and finally said. she would love to see me dressed and spend some time with me. We made a date for the next dinner at mother's. This was the first girl to show real enthusiasm. I could hardly wait.

That night, after dinner, I was like a school girl on her first date waiting for Judy to arrive. I wore a two-piece summer dress and my white sandals. When I opened the door she smiled beatificly and said, "You look beautiful," and gave me a hard woman-to-woman hug. My cup runneth over.

Judy is sure I can pass on the street and is prepared to come with me at any time; trying things slowly at my pace-a walk, a drive-in show, window shopping, a snack, a drink in a bar or shopping if I dare. She sees Barbara and I as separate people, a duality of per- sonalities. She claims the man she knows could not be as untheatric- ally feminine as Barbara. She says she enjoys Barbara as a woman and would like to have her as a friend.